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(eBook PDF)Atlas of Reconstructive Breast Surgery

(eBook PDF)Atlas of Reconstructive Breast Surgery

Reference: E-Book PDF

  • $15.90

ISBN : 0323511147 | 9780323511148

Author : Lee L. Q. Pu, Nolan S. Karp

Publisher : Elsevier; 1 edition (August 26, 2019)

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File Delivery : Sent Via Email in 1-24 hours on working days


Concise, practical, and highly illustrated, Atlas of Reconstructive Breast Surgery focuses exclusively on non-cosmetic procedures performed due to cancer, accidents, or congenital defects of the breast. Covering both autologous and implant-based reconstruction techniques, this uniquely comprehensive reference provides step-by-step visual guidance on correcting dysfunctional areas and repairing defects to restore normal appearance and function.

  • Provides detailed illustrations for clear visual guidance on every procedure.
  • Features up-to-date coverage of pre-pectoral reconstruction, partial breast reconstructions, symmetry procedures, and fat grafting for total breast reconstruction as well as contouring for reconstructive breast procedures.
  • Covers new developments in flap design, use of fat graft , oncoplastic (mastectomy-sparing) surgery, and tissue engineering.

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