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(eBook PDF)Challenges in Green Analytical Chemistry by Salvador Garrigues,Miguel de la Guardia

(eBook PDF)Challenges in Green Analytical Chemistry by Salvador Garrigues,Miguel de la Guardia

Reference: E-Book PDF

  • $19.99

ISBN : 1788015371 | 9781788015370

Author : Salvador Garrigues, Miguel de la Guardia

Publisher : Royal Society of Chemistry; 2nd edition (May 5, 2020)

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File Delivery : Sent Via Email in 1-24 hours on working days


Analytical techniques are employed every day in both, industry and academia. The concept of green analytical chemistry involves making analytical chemistry safer for operators, more sustainable for the environment and more economical. Improvements in the availability of renewable feedstocks, miniaturization, automated technology, and chemical recycling, make this a vibrant field of research.

This new edition of Challenges in Green Analytical Chemistry presents an overview of the latest tools and techniques for improving safety and sustainability in analytical chemistry. Covering topics including solvent selection, miniaturization and metrics for the evaluation of greenness, this book is a useful resource for researchers and application laboratories interested in reducing the risks and environmental impacts of analytical methods.

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White Lewis

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