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(eBook PDF)Clinical Engineering Handbook 2nd Edition by Ernesto Iadanza

(eBook PDF)Clinical Engineering Handbook 2nd Edition by Ernesto Iadanza

Reference: E-Book PDF

  • $19.99

ISBN : 0128134674 | 9780128134672

Author : Ernesto Iadanza

Publisher : Academic Press; 2nd Edition December 6, 2019

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File Delivery : Sent Via Email in 1-24 hours on working days


Clinical Engineering Handbook, Second Edition, covers modern clinical engineering topics, giving experienced professionals the necessary skills and knowledge for this fast-evolving field. Featuring insights from leading international experts, this book presents traditional practices, such as healthcare technology management, medical device service, and technology application. In addition, readers will find valuable information on the newest research and groundbreaking developments in clinical engineering, such as health technology assessment, disaster preparedness, decision support systems, mobile medicine, and prospects and guidelines on the future of clinical engineering.

As the biomedical engineering field expands throughout the world, clinical engineers play an increasingly important role as translators between the medical, engineering and business professions. In addition, they influence procedures and policies at research facilities, universities, and in private and government agencies. This book explores their current and continuing reach and its importance.

  • Presents a definitive, comprehensive, and up-to-date resource on clinical engineering
  • Written by worldwide experts with ties to IFMBE, IUPESM, Global CE Advisory Board, IEEE, ACCE, and more
  • Includes coverage of new topics, such as Health Technology Assessment (HTA), Decision Support Systems (DSS), Mobile Apps, Success Stories in Clinical Engineering, and Human Factors Engineering

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White Lewis

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