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(eBook PDF)Development of the Nervous System 4th Edition by Dan H. Sanes, Thomas A. Reh

(eBook PDF)Development of the Nervous System 4th Edition by Dan H. Sanes, Thomas A. Reh

Reference: E-Book PDF

  • $15.99

ISBN : 0128039965 | 9780128039960

Author : Dan H. Sanes, Thomas A. Reh

Publisher : Academic Press; 4th edition June 13, 2019

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File Delivery : Sent Via Email in 1-24 hours on working days


Development of the Nervous System, Fourth Edition provides an informative and up-to-date account of our present understanding of the basic principles of neural development as exemplified by key experiments and observations from past and recent times. This book reflects the advances made over the last few years, demonstrating their promise for both therapy and molecular understanding of one of the most complex processes in animal development. This information is critical for neuroscientists, developmental biologists, educators, and students at various stages of their career, providing a clear presentation of the frontiers of this exciting and medically important area of developmental biology.

The book includes a basic introduction to the relevant aspects of neural development, covering all the major topics that form the basis of a comprehensive, advanced undergraduate and graduate curriculum, including the patterning and growth of the nervous system, neuronal determination, axonal navigation and targeting, neuron survival and death, synapse formation and plasticity.

White Lewis

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White Lewis

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis aucibus orci luctustrices posuere cubilia Curae Sus pen disse viverra ed viverra. Mauris ullarper euismod vehicula.

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