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(eBook PDF)Fetal Cardiology 2e , 2018 by Nick Archer , Nicky Manning

(eBook PDF)Fetal Cardiology 2e , 2018 by Nick Archer , Nicky Manning

Reference: E-Book PDF

  • $15.90

ISBN : 9780198766520 | 9780198766520

Author : Nick Archer , Nicky Manning

Publisher : Oxford University Press; 2 edition (December 11, 2018)

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File Delivery : Sent Via Email in 1-24 hours on working days

Fetal cardiology is an important part of management for high-risk pregnancies: one in every 100 babies is born with a heart problem. Fully updated, this second edition of Fetal Cardiology covers all aspects of fetal heart disease and relevant non-cardiac aspects of diagnosis and management. This handbook provides clinically relevant guidance in a concise, practical format which is ideal for use in the clinic and as a quick reference for the reader.

Featuring new chapters on the three vessel trachea view and neurodevelopment issues in fetal cardiac disease, and brand new high-quality annotated images; this new edition is the definitive pocket guide to the subject.

Clearly structured to allow a systematic approach to diagnosis, decision making, and patient counselling, Fetal Cardiology is perfect as a refresher for experienced clinicians in fetal and cardiological care, or as an informative overview for the paediatrician, echocardiographer, and trainees in associated disciplines.

White Lewis

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White Lewis

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis aucibus orci luctustrices posuere cubilia Curae Sus pen disse viverra ed viverra. Mauris ullarper euismod vehicula.

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