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(eBook PDF)Fitness and Wellness in Canada: A Way of Life by Sarah J. Woodruff Atkinson

(eBook PDF)Fitness and Wellness in Canada: A Way of Life by Sarah J. Woodruff Atkinson

Reference: E-Book PDF

  • $19.90

ISBN : 1492589837 | 9781492589839

Author : Sarah J. Woodruff Atkinson , Carol Armbruster , Ellen M. Evans

Publisher : Human Kinetics, Inc.; First edition (January 6, 2020)

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File Delivery : Sent Via Email in 1-24 hours on working days

With content targeted specifically toward higher education students in Canada, Fitness and Wellness in Canada: A Way of Life With Web Study Guide presents evidence-based physical and mental health guidance to point students toward healthy choices that will develop into healthy lifestyles.

Authors Sarah J. Woodruff Atkinson, Carol K. Armbruster, and Ellen M. Evans have more than 80 years of combined professional experience in health and wellness, the majority of which has focused on the higher education population. This enables them to present the material in a contemporary manner that is relatable and easily understood by students.

Relevant information on topics such as cardiorespiratory exercise, strength training, stretching, nutrition, weight management, stress management, substance abuse and addiction, and sexual health will start students on the path to developing a healthy mind and body, which can lead to a better quality of life. Additionally, because Fitness and Wellness in Canada: A Way of Life emphasizes behaviour modification to develop desired habits, students are armed with the tools they need to make healthy lifestyle changes—for both the present and future:
  • A web study guide offers more than 50 video clips and practical learning activities to provide real-life context for the material.
  • Behaviour Check sidebars help students integrate health and wellness concepts into their daily lives.
  • Now and Later sidebars encourage students to consider how their actions today will affect them in the future.
  • The Functional Movement Training section shows exercises to strengthen specific muscles and explains their importance for everyday activities.
  • Infographics, research-based tables, and figures illustrate and reinforce key concepts so they are easy to understand.
  • Canada’s Food Guide is included to assist students in making healthy nutritional choices.

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