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(eBook PDF)Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition 10th Edition by Eugene F. Brigham

(eBook PDF)Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition 10th Edition by Eugene F. Brigham

Reference: E-Book PDF

  • $19.99

ISBN : 1337902578 | 9781337902571

Author : Eugene F. Brigham , Joel F. Houston

Publisher : Cengage Learning; 10th Edition (February 6, 2019)

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File Delivery : Sent Via Email in 1-24 hours on working days


Gain a solid understanding of today's corporate finance and financial management with Brigham/Houston’s market-leading FUNDAMENTALS OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, CONCISE EDITION, 10E. This unique balance of the latest theory and hands-on applications introduces readers to corporate finance with an emphasis on the concept of valuation throughout and Time Value of Money (TVM) early in the book, which gives ample time to absorb the concepts fully. Discussions review the effects of today's changing technology and globalization, the evolution of the financial markets in recent years, on-going shifts in the global political and economic environment and the impact of tax cuts and jobs acts on the finances of firms. Up-to-date examples, applications and integrated cases give insights into concepts and the reasons behind corporate budgeting, financing and working capital decision making Instructors Manual Test Bank

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White Lewis

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