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(eBook PDF)Nanotechnology in Aerospace and Structural Mechanics by Noureddine Ramdani

(eBook PDF)Nanotechnology in Aerospace and Structural Mechanics by Noureddine Ramdani

Reference: E-Book PDF

  • $39.99

ISBN : 1522593926 | 9781522593928

Author : Noureddine Ramdani

Publisher : Engineering Science Reference April 15, 2019

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The realms of aerospace and structural mechanics have been revolutionized due to a plethora of technological advances. These two important sectors most notably have been impacted by the advancement of nanotechnology and have introduced potential groundbreaking changes for lightweight, high strength, and improved electronic properties of nanomaterials.

Nanotechnology in Aerospace and Structural Mechanics aims to provide a collection of innovative research on the latest development of materials and methods for designing smart and intelligent devices for use in the field of space research and structural mechanics. It provides a thorough study of the fabrication and control of mechanical systems required for the successful application of nanotechnology in aerospace and structural engineering. While highlighting topics including nanomaterial properties, aerospace electronics, and polymer nanocomposites, this book is ideally designed for engineers, researchers, students, and academicians with interests in the fields of civil engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, and nanoscience.

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White Lewis

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