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(eBook PDF)Plant Breeding Reviews – Volume 43 by Irwin Goldman

(eBook PDF)Plant Breeding Reviews – Volume 43 by Irwin Goldman

Reference: E-Book PDF

  • $19.99

ISBN : 1119616735 | 9781119616733

Author : Irwin Goldman

Publisher : Wiley; Vol 43 October 7, 2019

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File Delivery : Sent Via Email in 1-24 hours on working days


    1. Maria Isabel Andrade: Sweetpotato Breeder, Technology Transfer Specialist, and Advocate 1

    2. Development of Cold Climate Grapes in the Upper Midwestern U.S.: The Pioneering Work of Elmer Swenson 31

    3. Candidate Genes to Extend Fleshy Fruit Shelf Life 61

    4. Breeding Naked Barley for Food, Feed, and Malt 95

    5. The Foundations, Continuing Evolution, and Outcomes from the Application of Intellectual Property Protection in Plant Breeding and Agriculture 121

    6. The Use of Endosperm Genes for Sweet Corn Improvement: A review of developments in endosperm genes in sweet corn since the seminal publication in Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 1, by Charles Boyer and Jack Shannon (1984) 215

    7. Gender and Farmer Preferences for Varietal Traits: Evidence and Issues for Crop Improvement 243

    8. Domestication, Genetics, and Genomics of the American Cranberry 279

    9. Images and Descriptions of Cucurbita maxima in Western Europe in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries 317

White Lewis

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White Lewis

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis aucibus orci luctustrices posuere cubilia Curae Sus pen disse viverra ed viverra. Mauris ullarper euismod vehicula.

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