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(eBook PDF)Spectroscopy of Lanthanide Doped Oxide Materials by Sanjay J. Dhoble, Vijay B. Pawade, Hendrik C. Swart, Vibha Chopra

(eBook PDF)Spectroscopy of Lanthanide Doped Oxide Materials by Sanjay J. Dhoble, Vijay B. Pawade, Hendrik C. Swart, Vibha Chopra

Reference: E-Book PDF

  • $19.99

ISBN : 0081029357 | 9780081029350

Author : Sanjay J. Dhoble, Vijay B. Pawade, Hendrik C. Swart, Vibha Chopra

Publisher : Woodhead Publishing October 30, 2019

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Spectroscopy of Lanthanide Doped Oxide Materials provides a comprehensive overview on the most essential characterization techniques of these materials, along with their key applications. The book describes the application of optical spectroscopy of lanthanides doped inorganic phosphor hosts and gives information about their structure and morphology, binding energies, energy of transition and band gap. Also discussed are the properties and applications of rare earth doped inorganic materials and the barriers and potential solutions to enable the commercial realization of phosphors in important applications.

The book reviews key information for those entering the field of phosphor research, along with the fundamental knowledge of the properties of transition series elements under UV/Visible/NIR light exposer. Low-cost materials methods to synthesize the materials and spectroscopic characterization methods are also detailed.

  • Reviews the barriers and potential solutions to enable commercial realization of inorganic phosphors
  • Discusses low-cost material methods to synthesize and characterize lanthanide doped oxide materials
  • Provides readers with a comprehensive overview on key properties for the most relevant applications, such as lighting and display, energy conversion and solar cell devices

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White Lewis

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