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(eBook PDF)Veterinary Forensics by Ernest Rogers , Adam W. Stern

(eBook PDF)Veterinary Forensics by Ernest Rogers , Adam W. Stern

Reference: E-Book PDF

  • $19.90

ISBN : 1498763170 | 9781498763172

Author : Ernest Rogers , Adam W. Stern

Publisher : CRC Press; 1 edition (March 28, 2018)

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File Delivery : Sent Via Email in 1-24 hours on working days


Veterinary Forensics: Investigation, Evidence Collection, and Expert Testimony will provide anyone involved in an investigation of an animal involved crime or civil action with the knowledge and tools that can give guidance for their actions in completing a forensic investigation.

All 50 U.S. states, and numerous countries around the world, have laws against animal abuse and cruelty. Law enforcement agents, veterinarians, the judiciary, attorneys and forensic scientists may be involved in cases of animal cruelty, neglect or human crimes that may have an animal element. Additionally, the animal can be the victim, suspect or in some instances the witness of a crime. Given that acquittal or conviction is dependent upon the nature and veracity of the evidence, the quality of the evidence in an animal-related crime investigation must be beyond reproach.

The book begins with a discussion of animal abuse and crimes against animals, crime scene investigation, and, from there, discusses various types of forensic examinations of the animal, culminating in a review of the judicial system and testimony in a court of law. All contributing authors are practicing professionals in law, veterinary medicine, and the private sector who provide current, best-practice evidence collection and forensic techniques. Chapters provide in-depth detail about the forensic clinical examination and forensic necropsy of small and large animal species, forensic radiology, forensic toxicology, bitemark analysis and animal behavior. Various, relevant forensic disciplines such as bloodstain pattern analysis, DNA analysis, animal sexual abuse, agroterrorism, animal hoarding, ritual crimes against animals, and animal fighting are discussed.

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